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self-knowledge, spirituality and the expansion of consciousness


self-knowledge, spirituality and expansion of consciousness

Hello! My name is Fernanda Tognon.

I am a Yoga instructor (RYT-200) and holistic self-knowledge therapist, certified in Reiki Healing. My passion is to share the love of yoga, energetic healing, self-knowledge and spirituality.
After many changes in my life, I decided to totally change my “profession” and lifestyle. In 2017, I discovered the wonderful path of self-knowledge and began my journey of self-realization with the philosophy of Yoga in San Diego, California. I am currently teaching group and private classes in Toronto, Canada, as well as tutoring online.

Hello! My name is Fernanda Tognon.

I am a Yoga instructor (RYT-200) and holistic self-knowledge therapist, certified in Reiki Healing. My passion is to share the love of yoga, energetic healing, self-knowledge and spirituality.
After many changes in my life, I decided to totally change my “profession” and lifestyle. In 2017, I discovered the wonderful path of self-knowledge and began my journey of self-realization with the philosophy of Yoga in San Diego, California. I am currently teaching group and private classes in Toronto, Canada, as well as tutoring online.

Who am I really?

I’m a curious person in life. I am a being in evolution, I am the purest energy in expansion. I am union, woman, girl, teacher and student. I love the sun and the moon. I’m an ounce of water and the whole ocean.

My religion is love and my temple the nature. I’m here to teach and learn. I am here to share the knowledge.

Let’s go together on this journey. We are together on this journey.

Who am I really?

I’m a curious person in life. I am a being in evolution, I am the purest energy in expansion. I am union, woman, girl, teacher and student. I love the sun and the moon. I’m an ounce of water and the whole ocean.

My religion is love and my temple the nature. I’m here to teach and learn. I am here to share the knowledge.

Let’s go together on this journey. We are together on this journey.

My mission…

It is to create more unity, love, happiness and positivity in the world and help raise humanity.

It is to show how we are connected in Oneness. Unity in this endless stream of energy and abundance. For this we live in this wonderful experience, in this process of evolution.

Trust the Journey!

One Divine Flow

My mission…

It is to create more unity, love, happiness and positivity in the world and help raise humanity.

It is to show how we are connected in Oneness. Unity in this endless stream of energy and abundance. For this we live in this wonderful experience, in this process of evolution.

Trust the Journey!

One Divine Flow

Yoga Therapy and Meditation

Yoga is a powerful practice that improves mind-body-spirit integration. Learn techniques of conscious breathing, physical postures, and meditation.


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. It is transmitted through the “laying on of hands” and is based on our “vital energy.”


The One Divine Flow Program is based on “Yoga lifestyle” techniques to bring self-awareness, inner peace, balance, achievement, quality of life and prosperity.


yoga therapy and meditation


“Yoga is like music, the rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind, and the harmony of the soul, creating the symphony of life.” – Iyengar

I believe and advocate yoga as a philosophy of life, science and therapy. The ultimate goal of yoga is self-realization and connection with the divine flow of life as a whole: body, mind and spirit.

Yoga is a powerful practice that improves mind-body integration. Through conscious breathing, movement and attention to physical postures, you cultivate a restful state of consciousness centered in the body. You hear the signals that your body is sending to you in the present moment and expands the energy in your body through your attention and intention. A body that is heard responds with greater strength, vitality and health. It is so powerful that regular practice can help you achieve mental and emotional balance, success and abundance, higher states of consciousness, including intuition, creativity, perception, imagination and inspiration.

The greatest benefits of this science come from the deeper understanding of the essence of yoga: the union of body, mind and spirit. Mind-body integration means establishing a healthy dialogue between your thoughts and your cells. While the body seems to be material, it is really a field of energy and intelligence that is directly connected to the mind. Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions influence every cell in the body and therefore play an important role in your well-being.


There are several styles of physical yoga practice. The styles I teach are Hatha and Vinyasa, but generally I like to make a ‘mix’ according to the need or desire and the personality of each student. Simply put, the Hatha style is more traditional and “stationary” in each stance, while Vinyasa is more dynamic and fluid.
My yoga classes focus on connecting the practice of asanas (poses) and pranayama (breathing exercises) with the balance of the chakras (energy centers in the body). I really trust meditation as an essential part of the practice of yoga, mindfulness, focused on the “feeling” of the divine flow of energy through the breath, the emotions and the sensations.
I am currently teaching group and private classes in Toronto, as well as tutoring online privately.


There are several styles of physical yoga practice. The styles I teach are Hatha and Vinyasa, but generally I like to make a ‘mix’ according to the need or desire and the personality of each student. Simply put, the Hatha style is more traditional and “stationary” in each stance, while Vinyasa is more dynamic and fluid.
My yoga classes focus on connecting the practice of asanas (poses) and pranayama (breathing exercises) with the balance of the chakras (energy centers in the body). I really trust meditation as an essential part of the practice of yoga, mindfulness, focused on the “feeling” of the divine flow of energy through the breath, the emotions and the sensations.
I am currently teaching group and private classes in Toronto, as well as tutoring online privately.


Know below the options:


Learn More

60 minutes of personalized Hatha / Vinyasa Yoga class.
Learn the techniques of pranayama (yogi breathing exercises), asanas to strengthen, and meditation to find peace.


  • – The class is scheduled by email or by telephone, according to the availability of both parties.
  • The location of the class is chosen by the client, in the city of Toronto.

$80,00 /each


Want to make a Multi-Class package?


Multi-Class Packages:


4 lessons (15% discount) – $ 272 

 The 4-lesson package must be used within 30 days.


8 lessons (20% discount) – $ 512

The package of 8 lessons must be used within 40 days.


 12 lessons (25% discount) – $ 720

The 12-lesson package must be used within 50 days.



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A personalized Hatha / Vinyasa yoga class for your group. Deepen bonds with your friends as you explore the spiritual and practical world of yoga.


Uma aula personalizada de Hatha/Vinyasa yoga para o seu grupo. Aprofunde vínculos com seus amigos ao explorar o mundo espiritual e prático da yoga.

  • Create a class at your location at no extra cost.
  • The class is scheduled by email or by telephone, according to the availability of both parties.
  • The location of the class is chosen by the client, in the city of Toronto.

Value: $ 150 for 3 people ($ 50 each) 


Multi-Class Packages:


2 lessons (10% discount) – $ 270 ($ 90 per person)

The 2-lesson package must be used within 15 days.

4 lessons (15% discount) – $ 510 ($ 170 per person)

The 4-lesson package must be used within 30 days.




Learn More

Corporate Yoga classes are a great way to improve the work environment, increase productivity and bring everyone together to make something fun as a group.

Yoga can be a welcome break for a busy work day or a relaxing way to de-stress at the end of the day.

Interested in Yoga for your company?




Learn More

60 minutes of online Hatha / Vinyasa Yoga class.

Learn the techniques of pranayama (yogi breathing exercises), asanas to strengthen, and meditation to find peace.

Do you want to practice yoga and meditation with me?






“All kinds of seeds of power are within you, waiting for you to grow them” – Yogananda

To understand what Reiki is, we must understand the meaning of its name. The word Reiki is composed of two Japanese words: Rei – “divine wisdom or the higher power” – and Ki – “vital energy”. It is then believed that Reiki is the spiritually guided vital energy.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes healing. It is transmitted through the “laying on of hands” and is based on the idea that an invisible “vital energy” flows through us and is what makes us alive. If the level of “vital energy” is low, we are more prone to illness or more stressed. If you are tall, we are better able to feel happy and healthy.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of energetic and spiritual healing and enhances life in every way, bringing more lightness and harmony. The best is that everyone can use. There is no contraindication.


Request a quote through the button below to know more information about this service.

I saw Fernanda go through her Yoga certification process very focused and determined, always with a big smile on her face. I was also present when she gave her first Yoga lessons, when she showed amazing persistence and evolution within her abilities as practitioner and teacher. She is always looking for ways to improve, and to connect with people. Although she moved from San Diego- where I live, her positivity and enthusiasm in sharing her lessons still inspires me to find more balance in my life. Her energy is contagious and I’m so proud of her achievements.
Cheers for you Fe!



+55 (82) 98171-7022

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